As we went around and shared our prayer requests in my weekly Bible Study group I realized something: each and every one of us was waiting on something. A husband’s job offer…a baby to be born…a financial break-through…a house to be sold…a relationship to start…healing to come…and the list goes on.

What are you waiting for?

Whether we like it or not, waiting is a major part of both the human and Christian journey and it always has been. When we look to the Bible, it seems almost every major figure was forced to wait long periods of time before God brought to pass His promises in their lives:

  1. Abraham? Waiting time: 20+ years before his wife Sarah gave birth to their first child.
  2. Joseph? Waiting time: 13 years before assuming the leadership of Egypt.
  3. Moses? Waiting time: 40 years tending sheep before God called him to deliver His people.
  4. David? Waiting time: 14 years before the throne of Israel was given to him.
  5. Jesus? Waiting time: 30 years until his ministry began.

Sheesh! I don’t know about you, but this sure puts some perspective on waiting. And it reminds us that we can’t get so caught up in the thing we are waiting for that we allow it to rob us of our joy and miss out on what God is doing right in front of our noses.

I want to share an excerpt from an email a trusted friend sent me as an encouragement for my own waiting soul and I hope it can be for yours too:

“I remember a period of my life when I felt frustrated for a prolonged period of time. Though I was in love with Jesus and actively serving in church, I kept feeling like I was not living in God’s perfect will yet, that I was not hearing Him like I should, not experiencing Him more like I wished… Then one day God told me, ‘Enjoy the moment, treasure each encounter, savor the whole journey.  You don’t have to get there to be happy, but happily get there!’

So capture every moment and ENJOY the journey that is working out for His glory and purpose! We don’t have to “get there” to be happy. We happily get there by realizing that our joy IS Jesus with us here and now and not the destination or a desired outcome in the future.  Easier said than done, I know.

Whatever you are waiting for my friend, trust God is faithful and He knows. In the meantime, choose to live happily in the moment and savor the journey with Him each day.

*Leave a comment and join the conversation: What are some ways you have learned to endure seasons of waiting? What does capturing every moment mean to you?


I consider it a privilege to journey with people through the ups and downs of life, love and loss. I would love to hear from you.

© Ali Kennedy. All Rights Reserved.