Grounded & Growing

Spiritual inspiration for deeper living
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Pursuing Depth in a Surface World

Pursuing Depth in a Surface World

Do you ever get tired of relating at a surface level? Maybe you meet with a small group for Bible Study regularly or you find yourself talking to people in office and you just can't seem to break through the surface talk. Maybe it goes something like this: "How are...

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Grow Up!

Grow Up!

“Grow up!” If you’re anything like me, you’ve definitely said (or shouted) these words at a loved one at some point or another. Or perhaps you’ve had them shouted at you. I suppose we all need to be reminded on occasion that we cannot remain in our childish ways...

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The Ultimate Benefits Package

The Ultimate Benefits Package

I’ll never forget how excited I was about the awesome “Benefits Package” I got with my first job: full healthcare coverage, 401K, investment options and the list goes on. Whenever the going got tough at work or my boss asked me to do something I didn’t want to do, I...

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The Need to Go Deep

The Need to Go Deep

We used to play a game called “limbo” where two people would hold a long stick starting at a reasonable height and one person would try to bend their body to walk underneath it without touching it. We would say, “How lowwww can you goooo?” Every time a person made it...

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What to do About Those Gosh Darn Nagging Sins

What to do About Those Gosh Darn Nagging Sins

“…because through Christ Jesus, the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death.”  Romans 8:2 I love this verse, and yet sometimes I don’t see it as a reality in my life. I know that through Christ’s sacrifice on the cross, I am...

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Pondering the Presence of the Lord

Pondering the Presence of the Lord

As I plow my way through the Book of Leviticus this month, I must admit, most of it is having to will myself to keep going. I mean, lets be honest, the details of how a guilt offering or a sin offering or a grain offering or a fellowship offering should take place and...

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