Grounded & Growing

Spiritual inspiration for deeper living
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The Key to Double, Deeper and Sweeter Blessings

The Key to Double, Deeper and Sweeter Blessings

Martin Luther was once asked to describe the nature of true worship. His answer? "The tenth leper turning back." What did he mean? He was referring to the story of the ten lepers told in Luke 17:11-19. Jesus enters a village en route to Jerusalem, probably tired,...

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Cultivating Attitudes of Gratitude in Your Heart & Home

Cultivating Attitudes of Gratitude in Your Heart & Home

Thanksgiving is a unique holiday. It celebrates an attitude rather than a person or event. I never understood just how special it was until living overseas in a non-American context and realizing that oops, not everyone celebrates Thanksgiving. But we have continued...

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Defeating Distraction

Defeating Distraction

As the pastor stood up to begin his Sunday sermon, my eyes glazed over and I suddenly started thinking about what I was going to eat for lunch (tuna or chicken salad?). Then I went through my “to-do” list for the week ahead. And then my phone, though it was on silent...

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Willing to Weep

Willing to Weep

I sat next to my friend, who was grieving the recent loss of her mother. I yearned to produce some magic words that would make her pain go away. But since I have been through a similar experience myself, all I could do was put my arm around her and weep quietly...

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The Key to Finding Happiness During Periods of Waiting

The Key to Finding Happiness During Periods of Waiting

As we went around and shared our prayer requests in my weekly Bible Study group I realized something: each and every one of us was waiting on something. A husband’s job offer…a baby to be born…a financial break-through…a house to be sold…a relationship to...

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