Grounded & Growing

Spiritual inspiration for deeper living
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Are You ‘Called’ to Write? – Part II

Are You ‘Called’ to Write? – Part II

I was thrilled that the posting Are You ‘Called’ to Write? generated so many responses from aspiring writers – awesome! I noticed that the most common theme running throughout many of the lives of those hearing the call to write is this: “I just can’t seem to find the...

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Are You ‘Called’ to Write?

Are You ‘Called’ to Write?

Are you feeling the urge to write but don’t know where to start? Do you have ideas swarming around in your heart and mind but can’t seem to discern if they are from God or your own imagination? Or perhaps you know what you are to write about but can’t muster up the...

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Stepping off the Hamster Wheel and into His Rest

Stepping off the Hamster Wheel and into His Rest

I was laying awake in bed and my mind was fluttering with all the things I had to do before the big move to another city: remember to call this person…don’t forget to meet up with this person… close my bank account… cancel my phone plan… set a meeting with so and so…...

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The Gift of Tears

The Gift of Tears

“Just tilt your head back, close your eyes and I’ll yank it out on the count of three...ready? 1...2...3!” The tooth came out. Elated and stunned by the sharp surge of pain that rushed through my little six-year old mouth, I burst into tears. “You big cry baby!” The...

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Skype Dates with God

“Sorry guys, I gotta go...I have a Skype date with my sister!” This could be heard being said by me, many times in the past four years. Since living in Asia, Skype has become my saving grace. It allows me to stay connected to friends and family, across oceans and time...

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When We Don’t Have it All Together

I couldn’t help but notice the three words printed on each entrance gate at the ski hill’s chair lift. It read: LEAN ON ME. This was a literal instruction to every person waiting to catch a chair up the hill. You literally have to lean your weight on the bar until the...

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