Grounded & Growing

Spiritual inspiration for deeper living
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A Life Deemed Worthy

A Life Deemed Worthy

I read an article recently about a pastor who had become a great influencer of society. His sermons attracted thousands of worshipers each week. He also had a radio show with one of the highest ratings in the country. His growing fame and success prompted questions of...

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But Why?

I recently spent the weekend visiting my sister, brother-in-law and two and a half year old nephew. By the end of the weekend it became very clear what ‘phase’ of childhood development into which he had entered: the infamous ‘But why?’ phase. If you’ve ever spent more...

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On My Knees

On My Knees

“Now in the morning, having risen a long while before daylight, He went out and departed to a solitary place; and there he prayed” (Mark 1:35) Every time Jesus faced an important decision, he prayed. Every time He was faced with temptation, he prayed. When he had to...

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Is the Grass Really Greener on the Other Side?

When I was living in Asia, my Asian friends would say, “Why are you living here when you could be living in America? Life is so much better over there!” Then, when I moved back to the US, my American friends would say, “Why are you living here when you could be living...

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