A Rusty Old Nail: Connecting Our Hearts with What We Know in Our Heads
I was about to exit the sanctuary after the Easter event was over when a woman came running up to me in a frenzy, “Don’t leave without your gift!” Then she handed it to me and scurried off to catch another woman who had apparently forgotten hers too. Since the mood...
A Life Deemed Worthy
I read an article recently about a pastor who had become a great influencer of society. His sermons attracted thousands of worshipers each week. He also had a radio show with one of the highest ratings in the country. His growing fame and success prompted questions of...
But Why?
I recently spent the weekend visiting my sister, brother-in-law and two and a half year old nephew. By the end of the weekend it became very clear what ‘phase’ of childhood development into which he had entered: the infamous ‘But why?’ phase. If you’ve ever spent more...
Making it through Transition: What to do in the ‘Hang Time’
Entering into a season of transition can feel something like this… Like a trapeze artist who just let go of the bar only to be flung at full speed into the air, uncertain of whether that next bar will show up before gravity has it’s way and pulls you down to the...
On My Knees
“Now in the morning, having risen a long while before daylight, He went out and departed to a solitary place; and there he prayed” (Mark 1:35) Every time Jesus faced an important decision, he prayed. Every time He was faced with temptation, he prayed. When he had to...
Is the Grass Really Greener on the Other Side?
When I was living in Asia, my Asian friends would say, “Why are you living here when you could be living in America? Life is so much better over there!” Then, when I moved back to the US, my American friends would say, “Why are you living here when you could be living...