Re-Learning the Art of Listening… to God
I recently met a friend for coffee and realized the whole hour had gone by and I had been talking the whole time! I apologized to my friend and promised we would spend our entire next coffee date hearing about her life. This “motor-mouth” moment made me realize that...
De-Clogging Our Spiritual Ears
My twin sister, Kelli, called me on the phone one day at the end of her parental rope, “I am so tired of having to repeat myself over and over again. Abe just won’t listen to me lately. ” Her four-year old son’s seemingly lack of attention span was starting to drive...
Why NOT Me?
This is an article my mom wrote for one of her writer’s groups about a year before she died. It gives a little insight into her journey with cancer and is nothing short of inspiring. Enjoy the read and please pass on to anyone you think might benefit... Why NOT...
Faith or Fear?
I came across a quote the other day by John Maxwell that said this: “People who focus on their fears don’t grow. They become paralyzed.” Although it is easy to tell ourselves we are not going to focus on our fears, it is equally as easy to give into fears whenever we...
Resolving Conflict in Marriage
My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires. James 1:19-20 My husband and I had the opportunity to do the Alpha...
The Cure for a Spiritually Dry Heart
My husband gave me a little silver stone-studded cross before we were engaged. It was a “promise necklace” symbolizing the love and commitment from the man I would soon marry. I loved it and treasured its beauty around my neck each day…until one evening I went to take...